Thursday, May 1, 2014

Blizzard Billet Insider: The Jensen Family

The 2013-2014 season for the Brookings Blizzard men’s hockey team has come to an end, and this means more than just packing away those skates and sticks. These young hockey players, hailing from all over the nation and the world, will also be saying goodbye to their Brookings area host families.

From August to April, folks known as “Billet Families” offer their homes and daily lives to players for varying lengths of time.

The reasons Billet families choose host players are as unique as they are, and so we’ve been asking some of them to share a little about the experience. Here’s the Jensen family!

Q: How many seasons have you been a Blizzard host family? Please list the players you've hosted.

A: We have hosted both seasons that they have been in Brookings.

Sean Mostrom (2012-2013 season)
Erick Majerle (2012-2013 season)
Cody Marooney (2012-2013 season)
Conor Andrle (2012-2013 season)
Eric Brenk (2012-2013 & 2013-2014 season)
Jono Lindquist (2013-2014 season)
Christian Fosse (2013-2014 season)
Beau Michaud (2013-2014 season) and planning on 2014-2015 season

Q: How did you become interested in being a Blizzard host family? 

A: Our oldest was starting hockey last year at age 6. Neither of us had played hockey, and we heard the Blizzard were short billet families. We have plenty of room, so we offered to help out. It all happened in about 4 days.

Q: What's your favorite part of hosting Blizzard hockey players?

A: Watching our kids interact with our players and all the other players that we get to know. Adding to our family with the players and their families.

Q: What's your favorite memory(ies) from the 2013-14 Blizzard Hockey season?

A: Welcoming Eric Brenk back for a second season as our “oldest”. Traveling to Cloquet to watch the Blizzard take on the Wilderness. We got see all our Blizzard boys play, see Brenk play for his new team and meet the Michaud family. The morning of the Super Bowl, we went from having a few of the players out for the game, to the whole team out for the game.

Q: Who are the members of your family and what do they love about hockey? Do you or your kids play hockey? If so, how long have you/they been playing and at what levels? 

A: Tim & Lynal, Egan (7) and Max (5). This is Egan’s second year in hockey. He loves everything about it. He is playing AAA with Legends Hockey this summer. He’ll be a Mite in the fall. Max started this year as a Termite. He likes to skate and he loves playing street hockey and knee hockey with the Blizzard players. According to Max, he needs to get a little bit bigger to play hockey on the ice.

Q: Any closing remarks?

A: I love watching hockey because of the constant action. Plus, the families that we have met so far in Ranger and Blizzard hockey have been some incredible people!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Blizzard Billet Insider: The Becher Family

The 2013-14 season for the Brookings Blizzard hockey team has come and gone and young hockey players, hailing from all over the nation and the world, recently said farewell to Brookings residents who have become surrogate families.

From August to April, folks known as “Billet Families” choose to share their homes and daily lives with these young men - some for the entire, 10-month hockey season.

The reasons Billet families choose to host players are as unique as they are, and so we’ve asked some of them to share a little about the experience. We interviewed Renae Becher; she’s a veteran hostess, and as far as she’s concerned, this season was only the beginning of her tenure as a Billet Family member. Her responses are featured below. 

Q: How many seasons have you been a Blizzard host family?
A: We have been a host family since the Blizzard came to Brookings - so, this is our second season!

Q: What interested you about becoming a Blizzard host family?
A: We had heard through our youth organization that the team was looking for families. We thought about it until the very last minute, and decided it would be a good way to give back to a sport that gave our son so many years of good memories.

Q: What's your favorite part of hosting Blizzard hockey players?
A: There are so many great things about hosting. It gives my kids good role models. We have had some pretty wonderful boys come through our house, and they’ve had some fun interactions with the kids. Another thing I really enjoy is getting to know these young men and keeping up with them when they leave. We still keep in touch with several boys; we’re so happy to watch them succeed!

Q: What's your favorite memory, or memories, from the 2013-14 Blizzard Hockey season?A: Oh boy! Well first, I would have to say when we hosted a poolside BBQ at our house at the beginning of the season. The boys just had a great time getting to know one another more and really relaxing before the tough season began. They had a belly flop contest with the rookies and let me tell you that they did really well! I believe Wyatt Schmidt won that contest with a very red stomach to prove it!

Another fun memory I have is when we hosted a progressive dinner. Our group had the boys do “Minute to Win It” games with their meals. For example - I had the boys move an orange with a banana tied to a string around their waist. The boys were so into it, they were going crazy. One of the boys (who shall remain nameless) was totally grossed out by bananas and would not touch them, so I had to help him out. It was absolutely entertaining. Then, since I was the last house on the progressive, most of the players ended up squeezing in our living room to watch the movie “Dodgeball.” A great night!

Q: Who are the members of your family and what do they love about hockey? Do you or your kids play hockey? If so, how long have you/they been playing and at what levels?
A: Well, the family includes me, Renae- Billet mom extraordinaire (Haha!), Sam, my husband who played hockey growing up and then some men’s league as well, Brianna, our daughter who is a junior in high school, and Evan who is 13 - he currently plays Bantam hockey. We all love the excitement of the game!

Q: What would you tell someone who's considering becoming a Blizzard host family for the 2014-15 season?
A: Well, I think it’s hard when you lose your first player. They become a part of your family and when they leave, it can be hard. But, the joys that we have experienced far outweigh when they leave, or even when we have a had a hard experience with a player. This season, we have been blessed with such wonderful young men; they are why we come back and do this year after year. We’ve also formed some pretty great bonds with other families through the experience. We sit at games together and cheer or scream, depending on the call! It’s a blast!

Q: Anything else you'd like to add?
A: Don't close yourself off to doing it... I think you would be missing out on a wonderful time. I am not looking forward to sending our boy home after the season. We have grown quite close to him, and we hope that he has really enjoyed his time with us as well.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Blizzard Billet Insider: The Weber Family

We’re about to close the book on the 2013-2014 season for the Brookings Blizzard men’s hockey team, and this means more than just packing away those skates and sticks. These young hockey players, hailing from all over the nation and the world, will also be saying goodbye to their Brookings area host families. 

From August to April, folks known as “Billet Families” offer their homes and daily lives to players for varying lengths of time.

The reasons Billet families choose to host players are as unique as they are, and so we asked some of them to share a little about the experience.

While some families may be new to the program, for Shawn and Jen Weber, this season is only the latest in a series of hosting experiences. Here’s what they had to say.

Q: How many seasons have you been a Blizzard host family? Who have you hosted?
A: We’ve worked with the Blizzard for two seasons now, and we’ve had many, many players stay with us. Our regulars have been Conrad Sampair, Spencer Peratalo, Derek Sand, and Cody Marooney.

Q: What interested you in becoming a Blizzard host family?
A: We had just moved into a new house, and we had an extra bedroom in the basement. The youth organization in town was advertising that they still needed housing families at the last minute before last season. The boys were moving in on Sunday, and we agreed to house a player the Friday before!

Q: What's your favorite part of hosting Blizzard hockey players?
A: This year, our player has really become a part of our family. We do lots of things together, and he’s really like an older brother to our kids. We support him like he’s our own, and it has been an amazing experience to be a part of his life decisions about college, hockey, and career.

Q: What's your favorite memory, or memories, from the 2013-14 Blizzard Hockey season?
A: Oh wow. That is a tough one – we have a lot of great memories from this year. Actually, there are many little things that serve as great memories. Playing board games, “knee hockey” tournaments, choosing pumpkins at the patch, learning the piano together, player cooking night, and getting to host our player’s family are all things we will always remember. Our player enjoyed creating art projects with our daughter too.

Q: Who are the members of your family and what do they love about hockey? Do you or your kids play hockey? If so, how long have you/they been playing and at what levels?
A: We are a married couple with two kiddos. Lilli is an 8 year old dancer, who supports hockey because the rest of us enjoy it. Zach is an 11 year old PeeWee hockey player - he started playing when he was 3 ½ years old. We think hockey is one of the more intense sports - it’s as much a head game as it is a physical one. We enjoy the different ways players showcase their talent - be it their finesse, strength, or strategy

Q: What would you tell someone who's considering becoming a Blizzard host family for the 2014-15 season?
A: I would tell anyone to give it a try! If it doesn’t work for you, it doesn’t work, but you might be missing out on amazing memories and the unique opportunity to support a young man who is trying to play college hockey. I would tell potential host families to ask lots of questions, and to know that players aren’t perfect. I’d also tell families that the Blizzard need host families for even just one week. Give it a shot!

Monday, February 24, 2014

4 Ways to Spot a Hockey Parent

Hockey parents are among an elite group of sporting parents. Much like hockey players, their parents must be dedicated individuals. Here are four ways to spot a hockey parent at a game or in public. 

1.  Road Warriors
Parents are always on the road taking their loved ones to and from practice, games, and tournaments. For many parents, commuting to support their little ones is a second job. Stay on the lookout for SUVs and mini vans with team stickers, worn down tires, and a driver with an extra large latte in hand. 

2. Sore Backs
Hockey equipment is among the heaviest in sports with some players' bags reaching 65 lbs. While it's up to most players to carry their own bags, hockey parents are often stuck with the task of lifting their children's bags in and out of the family vehicle. Repeated lifting and twisting can often lead to a set of sore back muscles; not to mention toll that hours of sitting in cold, hard bleachers can put on a hockey parents body! 

3.  Flair 
Hockey parents sport their child’s number or face on a decorative button, shirt, or blanket. Face paint and homemade signs are also a giveaway. 

4.  Volume 
Have you ever been to a hockey game and heard a cow bell, booming cheer, or yell?  Chances are you are hearing a devoted hockey parent or parents. Their intimate knowledge of hockey arena acoustics allow hockey parents to fill a building without any electronic amplification. 

Hockey parents are extremely caring and devoted people.  From racking up the miles, to lugging equipment to sporting decorative shirts and buttons, to cheering their hearts out, a hockey parent helps guide their child through a memorable hockey journey. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Blizz Gear!

Have you checked out the Blizz Shop lately? Whether you are looking for a hoodie, hat or a hockey puck, we're sure to have what you need. Take a look at some Official Brookings Blizzard Gear thats sure to keep you looking good.. now AND during the off-season!!

Click HERE to see all Brookings Blizzard merchandise! 

Blizzard gear is sold at the Larson Ice Center during all Blizzard games or during the week. Gear can also be mailed to you. To place an order for Blizzard gear, please call 605-592-9114 or email Riley
Or you can always order online

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Blizzard Community

There really is no better time of the year than Thanksgiving (and no, we aren't just saying that because it happens during hockey season). It's that one day where family and friends gather together and eat.. A LOT!! More important than the turkey, glazed ham, mashed potatoes and yes, even the pumpkin pie, is the action of giving thanks. This year, what we are most thankful for is the Blizzard Community!

What makes the Blizzard Community so great is that it is made up of each and every one of you! Whether you are a Blizz Fan, sponsor, volunteer, local organization or have simply said hello to us in passing, we are always amazed by your continued support. And it's because of this support that we can continue to scream "GO BLIZZARD!!!!" during each and every game that we play. 

As a team, we understand the importance of community and always do our best to give back year round. From helping build a house for the Brookings Area Habitat for Humanity to working with students from Camelot Intermediate School host a food drive, the Blizzard players & coaches are always willing to lend a hand.

Team captain Nick DeCenzo does a pretty good job of summing it up: “It’s a great feeling when you can give back to the community and help those in need of it. It may not feel like a big deal to us, but to them it could mean the world".

This season, be sure to give thanks to those important in your life. We'll end by saying thank you again to the entire Blizzard Community. We wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Now go eat!!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Blizzard Hockey: More Fun in a Group!

If you are looking for the perfect place for a group outing with family, friends or co-workers, a Blizzard game at the Larson Ice Center is THE place to be!

Plus, when you purchase tickets as a group you score some pretty GREAT benefits such as special group ticket pricing, group name displayed on the video screen & announced over the PA system, no waiting in lines, an opportunity to purchase ‘Blizz Bucks’ for concessions or merchandise, a chance to participate in various game promotions AND MORE! So gather your friends and take advantage of our special packages and benefits. 

Whiskey Creek VIP Deck The VIP PARTY DECK is the best all-inclusive entertainment experience in Brookings! 

Your ticket includes admission to the game, a catered meal, complimentary beer and Pepsi products and special reserved seating for your group.This area is perfect for holiday parties, birthday celebrations, customer appreciation nights, or company outings. Your group will also be welcomed on the video screen and over the PA system during the game (it is called the VIP Deck after all).

Papa Johns Birthday Package (for our 'shorter' fans) Your child will have a birthday party to remember!

The package includes 10 student tickets, 2 adult tickets, 2 Papa John's Pizzas, 12 Pepsi products, a Blizzard t-shirt for the birthday child, name and picture announced on the video screen and the birthday child gets to sit on the Blizzard bench during warm-ups!

Call the Blizzard office at 605-592-9114 or email Riley for more details.. We'll see you (and your group) at the next game!!